Style PDFs using metric units in CSS with wicked pdf

Configure wicked_pdf with: ```ruby disable_smart_shrinking: true ``` Then you can accurately use `mm` and `cm` as units in your CSS

How to inspect an element that disappears on click (in chrome)

In chrome developer tools go to "Sources" find "Event Listener Breakpoints" and select "Mouse -> mousedown". Now each time the event is triggered, chrome wil...

Compiling ES6 syntax with Uglifier on

When you try to compile ES6 syntax with Uglifier gem initialized you get this error: ``` Uglifier::Error: (...) To use ES6 syntax, harmony mode must be e...

Example tmux script for Rails

Shell script that will start a tmux session with Rails console and server in side panes

How to generate Excel column symbols in Ruby - Cool one-liner #1

How to generate Excel column symbols in Ruby ``` ('A'..'Z').to_a.unshift(nil).product(('A'..'Z').to_a).map { |arr| arr.compact.join } ``` If you woul...

Strange behaviour of roo gem when working with sheets (tabs)

Recently I realised a strange behaviour of roo gem when working with sheets (tabs). Here's what works non-intuitively in my opinion.

libpng12 in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Some programs require libpng12 to work - but this library is no longer present in up-to-date Ubuntu versions. Here you'll find out how to install it.

Postgres - View all connections details

Postgres server with limited connection pool can experience issues when all connections are occupied by some process. Here you'll learn how to get more details about them to mitigate this issue.

PURGECSS: Jak usunąć zbędny CSS

Poznaj Purgecss, czyli narzędzie pozwalające na zmniejszenie rozmiaru plików CSS i sprawdź, jak z niego korzystać. Ile CSS importowanego z bibliotek zewnę...

How to restart unresponsive Touch bar on MacOS

Just open your terminal and ...

Unlock devise user using command line?

If you are using the Devise lockable module and locked user access (usually during the development) use this method to unlock it.