How to restore DB from SQLC file

`pg_restore -d db_name /path/to/sqlc/file.sqlc`

Fix libv8 / therubyracer installing error

Sometimes, something unexpected grabs our attention - libv8 or therubyracer extensions installation error - here's how to get rid of them!

How to be up to date with Ruby and Ruby On Rails releases

Ruby releases: Ruby On Rails releases:

Rails migration decimal precision scale

Rails migration decimal precision scale explained quasi visually ``` 123.45678912345 <- scale -> <- precision -> ```

Cleaning schema.rb

Since [apartment]( uses `schema.rb` as a source for new schemas, it is important to keep this file clean. Running mig...

Prettier raw SQL in ruby

Use this syntax to format raw SQL nicely in ruby code. In some editors it also enables SQL syntax highlighting.

How to remove deleted branch names from git suggestions?

How to remove deleted branch names from git suggestions? It's as simple as that: ``` git fetch --prune --all ``` Or (thanks to @mus) you can add this...

Fix nokogiri installing error (libxml2)

While running bundle install in Rails app you haven't used previously, you may encounter `ERROR: cannot discover where libxml2 is located on your system.` error. This indicates that Ruby can't find libxml2 - although it's probably installed, with Xcode! Here you'll see how to resolve this issue.

How to add polish dictionary to postgres

PostgreSQL dictionary consists of 3 files: * lang.dict * lang.affix * lang.stop # Generating dictionary files 1. Download the most recent polish Isp...

Run RSpec without feature specs

`rspec spec --tag ~@type:feature`

How to hold Mac from going into sleep?

Every Mac owner knows how painful it is if their SSH session with a very important process just disconnects because of Mac going into sleep. Hopefully, there's a way to tell macOS that you don't want it to sleep - and here, you'll learn how to do it.

How to run PostgreSQL if '' already exists

How to run PostgreSQL if it isn't starting because '' already exists

Multiline method memoization in ruby

Method memoization in ruby is easy when the method is one line long: ``` def something @something ||= # your calculations end ``` But when we hav...

RSpec rerun failures

How to configure RSpec to rerun failed specs only

Implement .node-version file in Bash & NVM (Also for ZSH!)

This snippet will allow you to automatically load node version stored in `.node-version` while changing current directory.

How to show macOS notification from Bash?

Sometimes some task takes a long time and you want to know when it finishes. The system can show you desktop notification with predefined (or added as variable) message.

How to install gem without documentation

Hi, You've probably noticed that installation of gem documentation takes more time than installing gem itself. It can be annoying especially when you've alr...

How to clear sidekiq queue

How to clear sidekiq queue in 4 steps?

ThisPersonDoesNotExist, A Website That Uses AI To Make Fake Human Faces
Public the website has the capabilities of conjuring up an image using the GAN algorithm. The GAN works by splitting the ta...

Ruby logger log levels

OK, it seems obvious but I always spend several minutes finding it. So I think it's a good idea to put it here.

Brakeman - An awesome gem that scans your app against vulnerabilities.

To use Brakeman, the only thing is to install the gem: ``` $ gem install brakeman ``` and then run the single command in Rails application's root dir...

Open Source GUI macOS archiver with support for 7-Zip

This program will help you compress and extract 7-Zips (and other popular archive formats) without using command line.

How to Address a Lady in a Business Letter

How to Address a Lady in a Business Letter? Here some advises. ## Not married `"Ms. #{last_name}"` or `"Miss #{last_name}"` ## Married `"Mrs. #{l...

How to drop a production database in Rails 5

I encountered a problem when dropping a production database. Here's the solution