If you use a Rubocop-connected linter in your IDE, one thing that keeps driving you mad is `Missing frozen string literal comment.` warning. In this post, I'll show you how to disable it.
This graph shows several ways to launch subprocess in Ruby.
Sometimes you wonder if there's a way to generate PDF without dealing with wk*topdf, puppeteer and other massive serverside tools - and there's one - jsPDF - which will generate a PDF for you in a moment, all client-side!
Every Mac owner knows how painful it is if their SSH session with a very important process just disconnects because of Mac going into sleep. Hopefully, there's a way to tell macOS that you don't want it to sleep - and here, you'll learn how to do it.
This error message seems to be related to network or Bundler issue, but it isn't - newer version of Bundler requires new version of RubyGems, which is not updated by default. Here, you'll see how to fix this issue.
Sometimes, something unexpected grabs our attention - libv8 or therubyracer extensions installation error - here's how to get rid of them!
To use Brakeman, the only thing is to install the gem: ``` $ gem install brakeman ``` and then run the single command in Rails application's root dir...
Sometimes some task takes a long time and you want to know when it finishes. The system can show you desktop notification with predefined (or added as variable) message.
Here you can find SSL certificates needed to create SSL chain if you use certificate from NazwaPL.
So, you're trying to setup an Ruby 2.3.X-powered Rails app and it complains about openssl? Using a Mac? You're not the first. I've also been there. Let's get this nasty bug out of your way!
Postgres server with limited connection pool can experience issues when all connections are occupied by some process. Here you'll learn how to get more details about them to mitigate this issue.
Some programs require libpng12 to work - but this library is no longer present in up-to-date Ubuntu versions. Here you'll find out how to install it.
While running bundle install in Rails app you haven't used previously, you may encounter `ERROR: cannot discover where libxml2 is located on your system.` error. This indicates that Ruby can't find libxml2 - although it's probably installed, with Xcode! Here you'll see how to resolve this issue.
This snippet will allow you to automatically load node version stored in `.node-version` while changing current directory.
This program will help you compress and extract 7-Zips (and other popular archive formats) without using command line.
``` # ~/.bash_profile _complete_ssh_hosts () { COMPREPLY=() cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" comp_ssh_hosts=`cat ~/.ssh/known_ho...