Unlock devise user using command line?

If you are using the Devise lockable module and locked user access (usually during the development) use this method to unlock it.

How to restart unresponsive Touch bar on MacOS

Just open your terminal and ...

Strange behaviour of roo gem when working with sheets (tabs)

Recently I realised a strange behaviour of roo gem when working with sheets (tabs). Here's what works non-intuitively in my opinion.

How to generate Excel column symbols in Ruby - Cool one-liner #1

How to generate Excel column symbols in Ruby ``` ('A'..'Z').to_a.unshift(nil).product(('A'..'Z').to_a).map { |arr| arr.compact.join } ``` If you woul...

Rails ERD diagram visualisation online

Manual: 1. Go to https://dbdiagram.io/d 2. Click *import* and choose *Import from Rails (schema.rb)* 3. Paste schema.rb content 4. voilà


How to Address a Lady in a Business Letter

How to Address a Lady in a Business Letter? Here some advises. ## Not married `"Ms. #{last_name}"` or `"Miss #{last_name}"` ## Married `"Mrs. #{l...

How to restore DB from SQLC file

`pg_restore -d db_name /path/to/sqlc/file.sqlc`

How to be up to date with Ruby and Ruby On Rails releases

Ruby releases: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/releases/ Ruby On Rails releases: https://rubygems.org/gems/rails/versions

How to set maximum backup size in time machine

To set maximum backup size run this command in shell...

Rails migration decimal precision scale

Rails migration decimal precision scale explained quasi visually ``` 123.45678912345 <- scale -> <- precision -> ```

How to remove deleted branch names from git suggestions?

How to remove deleted branch names from git suggestions? It's as simple as that: ``` git fetch --prune --all ``` Or (thanks to @mus) you can add this...

How to install gem without documentation

Hi, You've probably noticed that installation of gem documentation takes more time than installing gem itself. It can be annoying especially when you've alr...

How to use helper methods in mailer templates

How to use helper methods in mailer templates? Instead of this "include YourHelper" use this "add_template_helper YourHelper" in YourMailer

Compiling ES6 syntax with Uglifier on

When you try to compile ES6 syntax with Uglifier gem initialized you get this error: ``` Uglifier::Error: (...) To use ES6 syntax, harmony mode must be e...

How to restore deleted git branch

Short and working solution to restore deleted git branch

How to clear sidekiq queue

How to clear sidekiq queue in 4 steps?

How to get image details like creation timestamp using MiniMagic

How to get image details like creation date and tile using MiniMagic

How to drop a production database in Rails 5

I encountered a problem when dropping a production database. Here's the solution

Transparent textures - a subtle backgrounds repository and generator

Standing on the shoulders of Subtle Patterns. Built and maintained by mikehearn.
